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Nonfiction Books
 Other States
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 Pacific Rim
 $ US
The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell the People
The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK
The Elite Seriual Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK (signed copy)
 Who's Who of the Elite Feb. 2000 Edition (without Skull & Bones)
Who's Who of the Elite Feb. 2000 Edition (signed copy)
 Who's Who of the Elite 1995 Original Edition (with Skull & Bones)
Who's Who of the Elite 1995 Original Edition (signed copy)
What the Elite Have Done to America & How to Fix It
What the Elite Have Done to America & How to Fix It (Signed)
What Will It Be, An Elite Global Union, or An Islamic Global Caliphate?
The Elite Control Everything of Significance $37.20 $35.00  $38.00  $38.00
The Elite Control Everything of Significance (Signed Copy) $42.20 $40.00  $43.00  $43.00
Billie Sol Estes (Biography) $31.56 $30.00 $33.00 $33.00 $35.00 $35.00  ____
Billie Sol Estes (Biography) (signed copy)
Texas In The Morning
DVD Videos
The Clint Murchison Meeting (night before JFK died)

(82 Min. DVD interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown)


The American Union 86 Minute US, DVD video

FileMaker Pro DVD
Who's Who of the Elite - DVD (for Mac & PC computers)
$ ________
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UPS Ground add $10.00
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