Books, CDs, DVDs and Tapes for Sale by RIE


Books Published by RIE


What Will It Be, An Elite Global Union,

Or An Islamic Global Caliphate?

by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

We are in for much trouble in this world. There are two opposing groups trying to take charge. The first group, the Elite international bankers, have been trying to conquer the entire world, both economically and politically, ever since about 1865, or so. Their approach is to dominate the money supply of the world, so that they can buy their way into controlling everything of significance.  Their method has become almost successful without them having to fire a single shot.

         A few in the past have tried this, but they used deadly force such as Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Emperor Augustus, and most recently Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

         Today there is an opposing faction that would try to do the same, but they don’t mind using force.  In fact they think that they will go to their Heaven immediately if they kill an infidel, and will go much faster if they kill many infidels as they martyr themselves in doing so.

         The first group believes absolutely in usury - the practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.  For the second group, usury is forbidden by their holy laws.

         The first group has an unusually low fertility rate, about 1.36 to 1.82, while the second group has a fertility rate ranging from 4.26 to 7.68.  A ratio of about 1 to 3.75.  Over a period of time, who will win money or population?   Time gives the prize to the second group.

         In both cases the average citizen of the world loses.  The first group would make them slaves and the second group would kill them if they don’t join their effort.

         So, the average citizens of the world cannot sleep while all this takes place, for the quality of life of their children and grandchildren are at stake.  Do not discount these two opposing groups, for you very likely will become their victim a slave or dead.  What will it be?

The Elite Control Everything of Significance


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.


After finding out that there is a curtain, the author has spent all of his spare time since 1992 trying to find out who the people are behind this curtain, who would do everything in their power to dominate everyone in the world.   A few in the past have tried this, but they used deadly force such as Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Emperor Augustus, and most recently Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

The present day Elite have learned that they can accomplish this monumental task by not firing a single shot.  They do it with money.  To add insult to injury, they create this money out of thin air. Yes, they just print it and lend it to the governments of the world at interest.  This money is not backed by gold, or anything else of value.  This is fiat money it has value only because of government regulation or law.  With this fiat money they bribe the leaders of almost all nations around the world to look the other way as they take over.

You do not have to spend the thousands of hours researching these people, because the author has already done all of this for you.  However, you might want to verify a few of these people for yourself to make sure that the author has done his homework well.

In this book you will find irrefutable evidence that they want to have political and economic control of everyone.  They control the presidents and their cabinets, the state departments, the military, intelligence agencies, educators, union leaders, financial institutions, manufacturing, legal systems and everything else of significance.



Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations,

Skull & Bones Society

and Trilateral Commission


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

May 2011 Edition


Who's Who of the Elite V9 is designed to inform the general public about the Elite and to provide the names of almost 15,000 of their members since the secret organizations were established until the year 2009. Many Americans hear the news about the state of the world today and wonder, "What's going wrong? What's happening here? I don't feel that I'm in control of anything anymore." There are some that are aware of what's happening, but millions more would be shocked to learn the truth. The answers are slowly emerging. This book tells you everything that you need to know about what's going wrong, and what is happening here, and all over the world. In it, you will find complete lists of names of the very people who are in control of what's going on. These are the wheelers and dealers of the biggest stock of all; peoples' lives. With this book, you can better arm yourself with the knowledge that has awakened thousands of other people wondering about the same things that you are.


Who's Who of the Elite V9 is the book "they" don't want you to see. This is the information "they" don't want you to know. Many books will tell you the truth, but no other book condenses it all together in one source like this one does. It gives a brief history of the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), and Skull & Bones Society (S & B). It lists the members by name (alphabetically), secret organizations that they belong to, their "day job" title and their affiliation.


The Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921 and from then to 2009 there were 9,506 members.

The Skull & Bones Society was formed in 1832 and from then to 2009 there were 2,287 members.

The Bilderbergs were formed in 1954 and from then to 2009 there were 1,816 members.

The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1971 and from then to 2009 there were 1,023 members.


What the Elite Have Done to America and How to Fix It


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

(Published in September 2009)

“The Elite Are Doing Terrible Things to Us” 

Never before in the history of America have citizens become so alarmed over the direction our nation is going. Many have awakened to a new realitythat an elite clique of super-rich has taken control of what once was a constitutional republic.  This criminal elite has rigged our election systems, jettisoned many of the protections afforded the citizenry in our Bill of Rights, and become the virtual dictators of our once, great country.

Banding together in an illegal financial cartel and political combination, the Elite have conspired to deconstruct the United States, terminate our national independence and sovereignty, and integrate our land into their infamously planned New World Order. Through financial machinations, these international outlaws are systematically devaluing the dollar currency; they have become the Money Masters of Wall Street; and our Congress and legislatures do their bidding.

Through propaganda and financial fraud, the elite have bankrupted our treasury, taken trillions of dollars for themselves, increased our taxes, and run public debt to unbearable levels. Still, they want more. They ultimately seek the death of America, intending to bury the wasted corpse once and for all.

Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. masterfully explains what terrible things the elite have done to us. But more important, he provides remedies and answers. Yes, we can make America a great nation once again, a prosperous and shining city on a hill and a beacon of light for a desperate world. This book points out the way. - Texe Marrs Power of Prophecy



The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell the People


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell The People unleashes alarming new evidence of the Elite's monumental crimes against humanity. Noted author Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., unravels the darkest secrets of the secret societies, documenting the hideous threat posed to mankind by Freemasonry, the Bohemian Grove, and the Order of Skull & Bones. Also unmasked: elitist groups such as the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

Financially, grave dangers now confront us. The Elite project to de-industrialize the United States gathers steam. Shocking statistics document the devastation done to American workers. Millions have already been thrown out of work. With documented facts the author pulls the curtains back, unveiling the secretive manipulations of the international bankers and their Federal Reserve System. Is our economic system now in dire jeopardy? Are the Elite about to plunge the U.S.A. into a financial catastrophe? Here are the answers you need to assure your economic survival and even prosper in the dangerous days ahead. Forewarned is forearmed.

Why do bloodshed and wars continue to plague America and the world? Is war just a racket? Are wars caused by oil and financial greed? What role do Zionist ambitions have in fomenting global conflict? Who's really in charge?, Ross asks. Will these cunning men achieve their totalitarian goals and tighten their grip on our daily lives? This book answers these most important questions.

Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., leads the way in The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell The People. Armed with the knowledge found in this book, we can, indeed, turn back the tide of evil. We can free ourselves from the bondage planned for us by the Elite conspirators.

It has been said that “For every 1,000 hacking at the branches of evil, one hacks at the root.” This powerful and authoritative book hacks directly at the root of the global conspiracy. Texe Marrs, author of the #1 bestseller, Dark Secrets of the New Age


The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

Published June 1, 2001

The subject matter of this book is one which most of us do NOT want to know about. Why? Because it reveals the abhorrently ugly truths behind world politics and manipulations. Generally we can all agree that our nation is suffering from a critical moral decay in which our society, families and children are fast becoming victims. Why is that? We must become cognizant of these manipulations in order to effectively stop this evil. At some point in your lifetime you will be affected, even perhaps become an unwitting victim of those in power. I pray that would not be the case, but in order to challenge this evil you MUST become aware of its activities and fight against it in whatever ways you are afforded. Prayer, sharing this information with others and holding our leaders accountable are great ways to effect real change.

This book tells who the shooters were, where they were standing when they fired their shots, who organized the events, and who wrote the checks to pay the killers of these four fine men. It also reveals some terrible things that people at the highest levels of our Federal government did to the citizens of this great nation. It also tells about the involvement of our law enforcement agencies at all levels in these assassinations. If it does not shock you, then you need to read it again, for you must have been day dreaming when you read it. In fact, it is best to read this book twice, because the second reading will reveal much more than the first reading, because you will then know what to look for. Also, if this book does not make you angry, then you just don't understand what the Elite are doing to this nation and the rest of the world.

It is very important that you read this book from beginning to end, because each chapter builds on the preceding chapters, and you might not fully understand what is going on if you start somewhere in the middle of the book.

We guarantee that most of the information in this book will be new to you, regardless of how many books that you have read on assassinations. Our sources are "rock solid".

You will read about a social event in Dallas at Clint Murchison's home the night before Kennedy was killed, including the names of everyone who attended, and why they met. Was Lyndon Johnson involved? You will find out the REAL facts in this book.


WHO'S WHO of the ELITE (2000)

Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations,

and Trilateral Commission


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

Jan. 2000 Edition

"Who's Who of the Elite" is designed to inform the general public about the Elite. Many Americans hear the news about the state of the world today and wonder, "What's going wrong? What's happening here? I don't feel that I'm in control of anything anymore." There are some that are aware of what's happening, but millions more would be shocked to learn the truth. The answers are slowly emerging. This book tells you everything that you need to know about what's going wrong, and what is happening here, and all over the world. In it, you will find complete lists of names of the very people who are in control of what's going on. These are the wheelers and dealers of the biggest stock of all; peoples' lives. With this book, you can better arm yourself with the knowledge that has awakened thousands of other people wondering about the same things that you are.

"Who's Who of the Elite" is the book "they" don't want you to see. This is the information "they" don't want you to know. Many books will tell you the truth, but no other book condenses it all together in one source like this one does. It gives a brief history of the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), and Skull & Bones Society (S & B). It lists the members by name (alphabetically), secret organizations that they belong to, their "day job" title and their affiliation. It then sorts these members by affiliation to reveal the stranglehold that they have over our federal government, banks, news media, industry, universities, think tanks, financial institutions, labor unions and many others. It also gives the real current facts about the true ownership of the US Federal Reserve System.


The End of the United States of America


Meria Heller

This 48-page booklet contains the transcript of an interview by Meria Heller, of Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., on her radio talkshow, The Meria Heller Show, on October 1, 2003. This was broadcast from her studios in Arizona, where they discussed his latest video, The American Union by 2005, plus several other subjects. Meria is a well-known Patriot, who has been exposing the truth to the public for many years.

CDs & DVDs

LBJ's Texas Mafia Killed JFK, RFK & MLK

A 75-Minute Interview With Billie Sol Estes


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

Billie Sol Estes tells all about the details of the secret meeting at Clint Murchison’s house, off Preston Ave., in North Dallas, on November 21, 1963.  Then he tells about the assassination that took place the next day on Dealey Plaza.  He was at both events, so is an expert on what really did happen not speculation.  He names everyone who was involved these two days, and what several had to say about the Dealey Plaza shooting gallery.

Billie Sol Estes died May 14, 2013, at the age of 88

LBJ's Texas Mafia Killed JFK

A 75-Minute PowerPoint presentation


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

This is a 75-minute-long PowerPoint Presentation of this Author’s rendition of what really did happen on Nov. 21st and 22nd, 1963, in Dallas Texas.  It contains photos of the people involved and scenes from Dealey Plaza as the events unfold on these two famous days in our history.  Much of this information has never been reported to the public in any format.

This presentation is for use on both Macintosh and PC computers, but will not work on a DVD player and a TV.  If the audio does not work on your computer, download PowerPoint Viewer to solve the problem.  Turn your sound on and view the presentation in full-screen for best effects.

The Clint Murchison Meeting in Dallas

November 21, 1963

A 90 minute interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

Madeleine Duncan Brown was President Lyndon Baines Johnson's mistress for twenty one years, so she knows very important facts that no other living person is aware of. She knows ALL about the Clint Murchison meeting the night before JFK was killed, because she was there the entire evening. She names every person who was there, and what several had to say that evening. She also names several members of the mainstream news media that were there, but who never reported one detail of this historic event. Once you read The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK, then you MUST see this video, because it verifies what you have read.

Who’s Who of the Elite DVD

Members Since Their Founding 


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

Those Who Would Control the World

Misguided people have attempted to gain control of their known world for centuries.  Prominent examples are the Genghis Khan empire (also inherited by Kublai Khan), Ancient Rome, Mughal Empire of India, Ottoman Empire, Spanish Empire of 15th and 16th century, British empire of 17th and 18th century, Louis XIV's France, Alexander the Great's Empire, Napoleon's empire, Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Aztec Empire, Inca Empire, Maya Empire, and the Safavid Empire, in no particular order, and 20th & 21st century Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperialist Japan, United States of America, and the Soviet Union.

In the past, these attempts to conquer were done so my brute military force, or otherwise physically harmful methods.  In recent years the conquerors-to-be have taken up positions behind the curtains, and have been carrying out their campaigns through the actions of secret organizations, without firing a single shot.  The most effective current secret organizations are the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones Society and Trilateral Commission.  This CD is intended to identify the members of these secret groups and to provide as much information about these members as we have been able to acquire.  We encourage others to help us in identifying those who we have not identified to date.  Should you do want to help, please provide the sources of your information, and we thank you in advance for your help.

Over a period of at least 37 years, we have been able to identify every member of these secret groups, starting with the dates of organization’s origin no small task.  This research has uncovered 13,795 total members, as of December 31, 2008. 

            This edition uses FileMaker Pro database software, and is compatible with both Macintosh and PC platforms, and without the need for the buyer to have FileMaker Pro resident on their computer.

DVD Contents

            A brief history of the Elite organizations, in PDF format.

The two files, Elite Members by Names, and Elite Members by Country contain 13,795 names of the members of the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC) and the Skull and Bones Society (SB) at Yale University.  Totals by group and the year that each group was founded are:

Groups & Year Founded: No. of Members:

A total of 13,795 Elite members in 58 countries around the world.

         Council on Foreign Relations by Name (1921-2008)                            9,506

         Skull & Bones Society by Name (1832-1985)                                     2,287

         Bilderbergs by Name (1954-2008)                                                       1,816

         Trilateral Commission by Name (1971-2008)                                     1,023

Members of at least two secret groups    837

The Skull & Bones Society members from 1832 1985, in PDF format, Sorted by Name and Sorted by Year.

(VHS or DVD Video

The American Union by 2005 – 2006
Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

An 86 minute video, revealing the plans of the international bankers to dominate the entire world both economically and politically. This charge is validated by video clips from C-SPAN, showing David Rockefeller, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright & Warren Christopher, and White House Councelors Mac McLardy & David Gergen describing what they have in mind for the U.S. and the rest of the world, as well. You may doubt the author, but you cannot deny what you hear from the lips of the Czar of the Global Union himself, David Rockefeller. Most people have never seen David on video or in real life, so here is your chance to see him in all of his splendor. This video presents probably the most important message that you need to hear in your lifetime – what is to come in the very near future.



Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission


Skull & Bones Society


Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

(June, 1995 Edition)

The 1995 edition of this book contains significant information about the Skull & Bones Society, including an extended list of members, such as former President Bush, and his son President Bush. This information was removed from the latest edition in order to keep the size of this book down so as to conserve printing cost. This original edition sells for 1/2 the price of the current edition.

The movie "The Skulls" comes very close to the Skull & Bones Society. One of the more obvious differences is that "The Skulls" had 8 members, whereas the Skull & Bones Society has always had 15 members.



The Love Story of Madeleine Brown


President Lyndon Baines Johnson


Madeleine Brown

There is a lot about President Lyndon Baines Johnson that you do not know but will be fascinated to learn. No one can shed more light on the man who became president by default when Kennedy was brutally murdered in the streets of Dallas than LBJ's longtime lover, Madeleine Brown.

An eyewitness to one of the most momentous times in American History, Brown will share with you the events leading up to Kennedy's assassination and what really happened in Dallas that day, as well as the deep, genuine and intense nature of her relationship with LBJ. You will learn:

-Why she believes LBJ participated in the plot to kill Kennedy, if not initiating it himself, along with the rich and powerful men of Texas.

-How LBJ stole the election that put him in the US Senate.

-What happened when LBJ rose to power and what he was really like as president and as a man.

-Scandals that swirled around him as vice president and a string of murders that may be associated with him.

-Little known facts about H. L. Hunt, Sam Rayburn, Clint Murchison, J. Edgar Hoover, Billy Sol Estes and other famous people of that era.

-How she and Johnson had his only son, Steven, whom LBJ acknowledged and supported.

Madeleine Brown delivers an eye-opening look at some of the most powerful men in Texas history.

This book reads like a juicy romance novel without the offensive language of a XXX rated novel, but provides the loving intimacy between two people who were deeply in love. This relationship produced a love child that LBJ secretly accepted the financial responsibility for, but was unable to publicly acknowledge.

Once you start this book, you will not put it down until it's finished, for Madeleine's experience in marketing gave her the skills to communicate in a most provocative manner, the true history of her 21 years as LBJ's mistress.


Billie Sol Estes (Biography)
Pamela Estes

As a high-school student, Billie Sol bought and sold his first trainload of government-surplus grain and started on a roll of wheeling and dealing that made him a multi-millionare before he was thirty and a resident of Levenworth Federal Penitentiary before he was forty. Before his fall, he brought glamour and excitement to the sleepy desert town of Pecos, Texas. A man who liked giving money away almost as much as he liked making it, Billie Sol was well-known in West Texas as a man who would undercut and ruin a competitor before breakfast, then find a poor black or Mexican student and pay his college tuition before dinner time. He often delivered sacks of money to Lyndon Johnson as kickback for his share of ill-gotten gains from the U.S. Agriculoture Dept. At the peak of his career he waas worth about a billion dollars.

Science Fiction



A Sci-Fi Novel


Cecil Ross

The Ezekiens are a colony of small green aliens who inhabit a huge space ship hidden from Earth beyond the moon. Their mission is to help the human inhabitants of Earth save their own planet from self-destruction. But the Ezekiens cannot be directly involved in their mission because they could not survive the conditions of Earth's gravity-all except one: Helen is a young, delightfully mischievous Ezekien female who is able to survive in a one-gee environment, and who is being educated and trained to live with a group of human companions that gave her the name.

Friends of the Ezekiens are a growing, worldwide group of humans that have been raised, educated, and specially trained by the Ezekiens to eventually accomplish their mission. In their own words, friends of the Ezekiens were rescued-as orphaned or unwanted children who, otherwise, would have grown up to be much less fortunate. Among them are Leona Graham, a middle-aged, much talented human emissary of the Ezekiens, and her young human fighter pilot escort, Cotton O'Brien.

Ben Two Bears and his young physicist daughter, Trudy, are completely unaware of the Ezekiens, and are deeply involved in their own earthly problems-but not for long. Because of an impossible coincidence, Ben and Trudy suddenly find themselves involved in the Ezekien mission. Their story is one of mystery, intrigue, romance, and exciting adventure.


This book contains no explicit or otherwise undesirable language, and no sexual behavior, either explicit or implied. It does contain three brief incidents of inoffensive violence. Although it is not intended for preteen aged children, it should not, in my opinion, be detrimental to their character if they choose to read it.

Publisher's Note:

The above Author's Note is his way of telling the reader that this is not an offensive piece of work. My personal opinion is that this book can be read and enjoyed by anyone who can read. The intent is not to be politically correct, but is simply that the author's moral and ethical base is so straight that he finds the typical novel offensive because of the heavy dependency on violence and sex to tell the stories. It's about time that authors and publishers produce novels for anyone who enjoys reading. This one is a WINNER.

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